In Person or Online Live Training that Equips Leaders for Tomorrow’s Challenges and Transforms the Culture
For Business and Nonprofits
- Conversational Management, (In Person or Live Online)
- Conversational Collaboration, (In Person or Live Online)
- Conversational Selling (Live Online)
- Professional Development, Half Day Workshop (3-4 hours) *In Person
- Professional Development, One Day Onsite Workshop (7-8 hours) *In Person
- Professional Development, One-Day Offsite Workshop (7-8 hours) *In Person
- Professional Development, Multi-Day Workshop (12-24 hours) *In Person
For Educators
- Conversational Management, (In Person or Live Online)
- Conversational Collaboration, (In Person or Live Online)
- Empowerment Success Coach- College (Live Online)
- Empowerment Success Coaching- K-12 (Live Online)
- Professional Development, Half Day Workshop (3-4 hours) *In Person
- Professional Development, One Day Onsite Workshop (7-8 hours) *In Person
- Professional Development, Parent/Teacher Conf. Period Workshop (3-6 hrs) *In Person
- Professional Development, One-Day Offsite Workshop (7-8 hours) *In Person
- Professional Development, Multi-Day Workshop (12-24 hours) *In Person
For Camp Counselors
- Camp Coach Collaboration, (In Person or Live Online)
For Families
- Parent Leadership Workshop,
- Conversational Parenting– (In Person or Live Online)
- Family Teambuilding Retreat,
- Father/Son Retreat
- Father/Daughter Retreat
For Youth
- Youth Leadership Workshop- (2-4 Hours)
- Youth Leadership Retreat- (7-8 Hours) In Person
- Youth Rebuilding Workshop- (2-4 Hours) In Person *For Probation/Alternative Edu.
- Youth 8 Week Program- (Once per week/90 min per session) Truancy/JPD Program
- **Knight Moves- Tech Industry 36 Month Program/Guaranteed Job Placement

Unlocking Success Through Empowering Work Cultures
In the realm of business, one truth stands clear: Your culture matters. It’s the heartbeat of your organization, the essence of how your employees experience and shape your organization’s destiny.
The Crucial Role of Work Culture
In times of challenge and adversity, work culture emerges as the linchpin of survival. While some organizations rely on a cut-throat, high-pressure culture to drive financial or educational success, they often overlook the hidden costs that come with it.
Revealing the Hidden Costs
Studies by renowned institutions like the Queens School of Business and Gallup have unveiled eye-opening insights:
- Health Costs Soar: In organizations with a cut-throat culture, health costs can soar to nearly 50% higher than those fostering collaboration and empowerment.
- Disengagement Looms: A culture of pressure breeds disengagement, resulting in 37% higher absenteeism, 49% more accidents, and a staggering 60% increase in errors and defects. This translates to an alarming 18% lower productivity, 16% reduced profitability, 37% fewer job growth opportunities, and a worrisome 65% drop in share price for private companies over time.
- Loyalty Erodes: Workplace stress becomes the harbinger of almost 50% more voluntary turnover, as employee loyalty dwindles.
The Key to Well-being
But here’s the beacon of hope: well-being in the workplace originates from one place, and one place only – an empowering work culture. A culture that prioritizes collaboration, engagement, and the well-being of its workforce isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a recipe for success.
At Human Jolt, we specialize in transforming organizations into beacons of empowerment. We understand that nurturing a culture of trust, collaboration, and well-being is not only the path to resilience but also the driving force behind sustainable success. Embark on a journey towards unprecedented growth and well-being.
Let’s Redefine Your Work Culture!
Excerpts from the testimonials on this site
- This training helped me feel more comfortable and confident in my abilities and role as a student success coach.
- These coaching methods and strategies are unique.
- Now, I’m quite literally empowering the student to define and achieve their goals, and I stay with them on this path.
- The training experience was clear, succinct, and practical.
- The methodology and process produce results, and it’s applied immediately once the skills training is complete.
- I’d like to roll this out to our entire sales team.
- I have grown in confidence as I have practiced and been encouraged throughout the program.
In a time of drastic change, it is the learners who inherit the future.
– Eric Hoffer –
Contact Us
Whether you want to ask about or talk about scheduling any of the following:
Conversational Management
Conversational Collaboration
Conversational Selling
Empowerment Success Coach – College
Empowerment Success Coaching – K-12
Test Drives
Conversational Parenting
Our team of experts is here to answer your questions and work with you. Together we can determine the learning solutions that meet your organizations’ needs for addressing the work culture and performance challenges that you want to solve.
Please complete this FORM to request the answers and information you’re seeking. We will get back to you within 2 days.
Or call…Dave: 915-820-5151
Please be assured that we will respect the purpose for which you have provided this information. We will not make this information available to any outside organization.